17th Chapter of the Sisters of St John of God Announced

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The 17th Chapter of the Sisters of St John of God will take place at their Retreat Centre in Safety Bay, Western Australia, from 29th April-19th May 2019.

In announcing the Chapter, Sr Brid Ryan, Congregation leader said, ‘This Chapter will be another historic event in the life of the Congregation; a sacred time of listening and discerning together to what the Lord is calling us’.

A Chapter prayer, theme, and logo have been created. The theme for Chapter is ‘Open to the abundant life of now, we journey together in hope’.

‘We hope this prayer will be helpful and that the theme and logo will be a light for our steps as we make the Chapter journey,’ continued Sr Brid.

All of us who are connected with the Sisters of St John of God are invited to pray the Chapter prayer with and for them over the coming year as the Sisters prepare for this important event:

Chapter Prayer

God of the Universe, we give thanks
for your abundant love for each one of us
and for all creation.

Draw us ever deeper into the mystery of life;
Renew in us passion for your way;
May all we are and do generate goodness, joy
and hope in the world around us.

Inspired by our founders and all
John of God women,
we make our Chapter journey together in faith.
We pray this prayer in union with Mary,
our Mother.  Amen.

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