The Season of Creation runs September 1st to October 4th.
The Laudato Si’ Movement notes:
With the climate crisis always in the news, more and more people are looking for concrete ways to help. The Season of Creation is that opportunity to live out our values and help our sisters and brothers take meaningful action for our common home.
One way to help, is to sign and encourage others to sign the Healthy Planet Healthy People Petition. Click here to do so:
In order to enhance your celebration of the Season of Creation, you can find many resources on the Laudato Si Movement website. Click here.
You have made us in your image,
You fill us with your Love
You have made us co-creators of the earth!
Guardians of the planet!
To care for all your creatures
To tend the land, the sea,
And the air we breathe;
All that you have made,
You have placed in our hands.
Psalm 8 – Nan Merrill translation