A large number of people from various parts of the world, with different expertise prepared this document. It will be the basis for the work of the assembly in Rome in October, where bishops, religious and laity will gather.
However, this document can be a valuable tool for all of us. It is recommended that we gather in groups (cluster/ community/ parish/ diocesan etc.) to continue to reflect on and discern how we walk together as a Church.
The International Union of Superiors General (UISG) will have five delegates at the October Assembly. They will endeavour to involve women religious from around the world, their co-workers and those among whom they live, inviting them to a process of reflection and discernment, so that they too can offer insights and reflections from different contexts and cultures.
You can download the full text of Instrumentum Laboris HERE . But think twice before you print it as it runs to 60 pages.
You can download FAQ and an Executive Summary of Instrumentum Laboris Here. This document contains 11 pages.
Let us support Pope Francis with our prayer, reflection and participation as he continues to lead the People of God on this Synodal Pathway.