In Memory

Eileen Egan

Died on: 17 June, 2022
Religious Name: Louis Marie
Date of Birth: 1 December, 1944
Date of Profession: 16 July, 1965
Resting Place: Foulkstown, Kilkenny

Sr. Eileen Egan R.I.P.

Sr. Eileen went to her eternal reward in the care of the Staff and Sisters in Sallyville House on the evening of the 17th June 2022.  She had just spent 3 weeks there and in that short time she prepared her family and community friends to accept that she was on her final journey home to her Creator.  Eileen accepted this reality with resignation, fortitude and peace.  Her chief concern was for those she was leaving behind rather than herself.  She was always a rock of support for her family and the St. John of God Congregation.

Eileen was the eldest of 6 children born to John and Johanna Egan (neé Maher) on December 1st 1944 at Lisheen, Moyne, Thurles.  Having completed her secondary education in the Presentation Convent School, Thurles she entered the John of God Novitiate, Wexford on September 9th 1962.  She was familiar with the John of God Community as she had a grandaunt Sr. Magdalen Maher in the Kilkenny Community.  She made her first profession on July 16th 1965 taking the religious name “Louis Marie”.  Her Final Profession was on August 22nd 1970.

Having completed her primary school teacher training in Carysford 1965-1967, Eileen taught in the Faythe School, Wexford and later in St. John of God School, Kilkenny where she became Principal.  She is fondly remembered by the staff, parents and pupils for her kindness, encouragement and dedication to the school community.  During that time Eileen made monthly trips to Dublin to chair the Board of Management of Kilmore Road, Secondary School.

While in Kilkenny Eileen took a sabbatical year and did the Religious Formation Programme in Loreto House, Dublin.  For many years of her life Eileen was involved in leadership roles in the congregation.  She spent two terms as Provincial Leader and many years on Congregational Leadership Teams.  She spent 7 years on the leadership team in Ballyvaloo where she was involved in the refurbishment of the Retreat and Conference Centre 2008/2009.

Her next assignment was as Local Leader in Wexford Convent where she enabled the Sisters to transfer from the Convent to Sallyville House in 2017.  Eileen’s kindness and gentleness enabled the ageing Sisters to make this transition with the minimum of stress.

Eileen’s final ministry was in the Heritage Centre, Wexford where she loved researching the history of the Congregation and taking care of the Congregational Archives.

Eileen’s Requiem Mass was celebrated in Rowe Street Church on 21st June 2022.  Her brother Fr. Joe Egan was chief celebrant, assisted by his brother Fr. Jimmy and Fr. Billy Swan of Wexford Parish.  They were joined by a number of priests from the dioceses of Cashel and Emly and Ferns.  She was laid to rest in Foulkstown Cemetery Kilkenny.

Eileen is mourned by her brothers John, Fr. Joe, Fr. Jimmy, Dan and sister Margaret, sisters-in-law Norah and Catherine, brother-in-law Richard, SJG Sisters and many friends.

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a hanam dilís.


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