Coming Soon: Earth Hour

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Earth Hour this year is on 25 March, 8:30 – 9.30 pm (your local time). Earth Hour was famously started as a lights-off event in Sydney, Australia in 2007. This year marks its 10th anniversary and its growth to engage more than 178 countries and territories across seven continents and aboard the International Space Station.

Earth Hour offers us all an opportunity to spend a focussed hour with our fellow citizens across the globe taking action for climate change in care of ‘our common home’ (Pope Francis).

For Sisters of St John of God, Earth Hour resonates with our Chapter Call to ‘Gaze on the Mystery of our evolving changing Universe’.

Prayer for use at Earth Hour at Mass/Service on evening 25th March or Sunday 26th

Creator God,
this earth is beautiful and fragile.
Forgive our confusion and inaction as we confront the challenges of climate change.
In the light of your truth, seen so clearly in the life and teachings of Jesus,
help us to re-examine ourselves and our lifestyle choices and see clearly the implications of how we live on all that sustains life on earth.
May we follow your leading in caring for every aspect of this precious world, which you made and love.
Throughout history you have moved people to do amazing things for the sake of their neighbours and especially the poor.
Inspire us now to work together, as your people, to change priorities in the way we live so that we build a fair and safe world for all your creation and for future generations.
We ask this through Jesus Christ Our Lord

– Eco Congregation Ireland

Additional resources

Information, resources, sign- up opportunities and how to join in conversations on social media can be found on the Earth Hour website

A number of suggested actions can be found on the Eco Congregation Ireland website

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