Cyberbullying is bullying that is carried out through the internet or mobile phones. It takes many forms including prank calls, unflattering or private image or information sharing without permission, text and email threats and identity theft.
Research conducted in 2016 in 14 countries shows that young people are the most affected by online violence and that girls had a greater propensity to lose trust both online and offline and suffer from health problems, such as stress and sleeping disorders. Non consensual sharing of images (revenge porn) shames and humiliates victims, most of whom are women.
The impact of cyberbullying on victims range from causing embarrassment, distress, affect self-esteem, impact school or college performance (if a student) and can even lead to suicidal thoughts and attempts.
Light your candle and join us in prayer, thought or reflection today for all the Women and Girls who, in 2018, have experienced cyberbullying.